LASIK: An in depth guide to the immediate after care post procedure

LASIK: An in depth guide to the immediate after care post procedure

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  • LASIK: An in depth guide to the immediate after care post procedure
LASIK: An in depth guide to the immediate after care post procedure

According to the world health organization, at least 1 billion people have near or distant vision globally that could have prevented or had to be yet addressed. While most of us correct these common problems in our eyes through glasses or contact lenses, the worsening of the visual condition does not stop with these corrections. LASIK treatments are an advanced method introduced to correct these visual impairments and obtain preliminary eyesight. Here are a few tips and guidelines that you can follow to post to the LASIK treatment for a speedy recovery.

Post LASIK Care

The technology of LASIK has made the vision correction easy with a quick recovery process. Post Lasik care is imperative and needs to be followed after surgery to enhance healing.  The proper aftercare will also help you to avoid the potential side effects that can occur due to neglected activities.

Right after the surgery, your eyes will be sensitive and even encounter mild pains and discomfort, and your eye specialist will suggest a pain reliever. During the first day, all you need to do is provide maximum rest to your eyes without engaging in other activities.

It is encouraged to anticipate a few days off following the surgery for a speedy recovery process. Follow the guidelines provided by your doctors for the aftercare procedure, and do not forget the eyedrop regime you need to follow throughout for cleaning and eye moisture purposes.

Helping Your Eyes To Heal

From the first night of your surgery, wear the eye protection shield to avoid involuntary eye rubbing. You can continue the practice for a month on each night to refrain from eye damages. Do not shower on the following day of the treatment and use soap or cosmetic products to clean your eyes.

Do not use tap water or non-sterile water in your eyes for a minimum of a week as the sensitivity can cause the touch bothersome right after the process. It is encouraged to avoid eye-straining activities like reading or work on the computer for long hours.

Apart from these, you can adhere to a number of practices following the surgery for a speedy recovery and be back with your regular routine at the earliest possible. Given below are a few guidelines on dos and don’t that you must follow after obtaining the LASIK treatment.

  • Avoid rubbing and squinting your eyes.
  • Use lubrication when you feel itchy or irritated.
  • Do not drive by yourself in the first few days.
  • Refrain from eye makeup in the first week.
  • Avoid engaging in strenuous activities and exercises.
  • Wear special protection when outside.
  • Stay away from spas, swimming, hot tubs for a few weeks.

Follow-Up Appointments

Blurred vision and dry eyes are common side effects post to LASIK surgery that can continue up to a few days or weeks. By the time of your follow-up appointment, which usually falls after 2 days of the surgery, you should be experiencing clear vision with less discomfort.

Inform your eye ophthalmologist if the pain persists in an unusual manner and do not wait till your appointment to visit the eye hospital. New, deviant, or worsening symptoms could signal a problem that needs to be treated earlier before it gets into a severe condition.

Our team of professionals at Spanish Eye Clinic will guide you throughout your recovery periods with special attention given to your vision progression. The post-operative measures given will benefit you with the reduced risk of complications and speedy recovery process. Visit us now or contact to schedule your appointment to get your vision corrected through the latest technological methods under highest supervision.

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